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In trendminer, I can see, select and display formula’s created by other people, although they are not shared explicitly to me:

  • you can search the tag and display them  in trendhub, but you cannot find the through search saved formula’s
  • maybe they are part of a shared dashboard… idk

Problem is: some formula’s do not work, need editing, or I just want to know what they do:
but I dont know who to contact… because it doesn’t appear to show who created the formula…

How do I find out?



Hello ​@Geert 

Tag Builder tags are automatically available for everyone with access to the underlying tags to enhance collaboration between users. As it was indeed quite hard to understand what’s behind a formula or who created it, some useful improvements have been made in our more recent versions.

Tag Dependencies in the Active Tags list (2024.R3.0)

When you click on the source of a Tag Builder tag in the Tag details, you are able to see the formula behind it and the tags used to create it.


Full Work Organizer in ConfigHub (2024.R3.0)

Admins can browse users’ Work Organizer and search Work Organizer items to determine who owns them. Additionally, it is possible to transfer the Work Organizer of one user to someone else, which comes in very handy if people leave the company or change roles. 


As you indicate being on the 2023.R4.0 version, I recommend contacting your TrendMiner admin to get updated to our latest version (2024.R3.1).
