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Identifying periods where parameter readings increase or decrease is crucial for process monitoring!

🤔Why it matters? Changes often indicate potential issues or opportunities for optimization.

✍️How to analyze? Calculating the derivative of a tag allows for a more precise assessment of how sensitive a process is to fluctuations in specific parameters.

📊 In TrendMiner : Different methods are available to determine the derivative based on the type of analysis needed.


👉🏻 Preparation: Smoothing Signals


For noisy or highly fluctuating signals, it is recommended to perform an aggregation before calculating the derivative.

This helps achieve a more accurate approximation of the derivative of the selected function.

Recommended Aggregation:

  • Tag: The tag for which the derivative should be calculated
  • Operator: Average
  • Direction: e.g., Backward
  • Aggregation interval: e.g., 10 minutes




👉🏻 Option A: Calculating the Derivative Using a Formula


The derivative can be determined by calculating the slope of a tag over a short period. This is done by subtracting a time-shifted version of the tag from itself. The shorter the time interval, the more accurate the approximation of the actual derivative.


A - B

Variable Mapping:

  • A = (Smoothed) tag for which the derivative should be calculated
  • B = (Smoothed) tag for which the derivative should be calculated, shifted by e.g., 1 minute




Advantages of the Formula-Based Derivative:

  •  High accuracy for short time intervals (delta_t < 2x index resolution)
  •  Ideal for long-term trends, such as fouling detection, when delta_t > 24 hours
  • Enables unit calculations within the formula
  •  Simplifies nested formulas by counting as just one level when calculating slopes


👉🏻 Option B: Calculating the Derivative Using Aggregation


An alternative approach is to use delta aggregation, which simplifies the derivative calculation over defined time intervals.

Recommended Aggregation:

  • Tag: (Smoothed) tag for which the derivative should be calculated
  • Operator: Delta
  • Direction: e.g., Central
  • Aggregation interval: e.g., 1 minute



Advantages of the Delta Aggregation Derivative:

  • It is particularly useful for general trend analysis and process monitoring with stable signals


👉🏻 Conclusion


Calculating the derivative of a tag in TrendMiner can help detect process changes early. The choice of method depends on the specific analysis requirements.

  • Formula-based method is ideal for high-precision calculations
  • Delta aggregation offers a quick and straightforward alternative.



Have you used derivative calculations in TrendMiner? Which method do you prefer and why? Let us know in the comments! 🚀

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