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In process manufacturing, especially in chemical engineering, collaboration between Operational Technology (OT) and Information Technology (IT) teams is essential when implementing software like TrendMiner. For the software to work well, data from physical processes needs to be integrated with analytical tools. This requires good coordination between the OT and IT teams. Here are three key concepts that can help make your work with the IT team more effective.

  1. Data Integration and Accessibility

To make software like TrendMiner work effectively, the data from physical processes needs to be easily accessible. The OT team collects real-time data from sensors and control systems, while the IT team ensures this data is available for analysis by providing the right infrastructure and secure connections.

  1. Cybersecurity

When OT systems (which often use older technology) are connected to IT systems, cybersecurity becomes crucial. IT teams focus on protecting systems from cyber threats, while OT needs to make sure the equipment and protocols are compatible with modern security standards.

  1. Change Management and System Upgrades

Software solutions need regular updates and improvements. Both OT and IT teams must collaborate to handle software upgrades, integrate new systems, and manage any changes to the infrastructure without disrupting daily operations. These concepts emphasize the importance of collaboration for smooth software implementation and long-term success. If you are a chemical engineer in OT, understanding these principles will be crucial for achieving the best results.

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